Name Handy tools for sustainable irrigation management in Mediterranean crops
Start date 2021-08-18
End date 2025-02-18
Members from Benha Dr. Abousrie Ahmed Hassan <br /> Assistant Professor - Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering - Faculty of Agriculture
Members abroad i. Valencia Institute for Agricultural Research (IVIA) Spain<br /> ii. Asdron Spain (ASDRON) Spain, a private company<br /> iii. University of Catania (UNICT) Italy<br /> iv. Irritec S.p.A. (IRRITEC) Italy, a private company<br /> v. Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) Germany <br /> vi. IAK Agrar Consulting Gmbh (IAK) Germany, a private company <br /> vii. Hassan II Agricultural and Veterinary Institute (IAV) Morocco<br /> viii. Ibn Zohr University (UIZ) Morocco
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Output a. Training about 600 undergraduate and graduate students<br /> b. DST tool (Web application) for supporting the small and specialist by the irrigation schedule recommendation, <br /> c. Socioeconomic model for supporting the decision maker by the sound decision for selecting the best scenarios for water technologies, water saving strategies and soil water monitoring