Zhaotong 2015-09-12

Description Expresses the interests in exchanging scholars, students, academic & adminstrative staff and information in the research and educational process
Country China
Signed date 2015-09-12
Period 5 years
Benha university Partner website
Signed By Prof. Ali Shams El Din Prof. Ma Lijuan
Position Former President President
Coordinator Name Dr. Hazem Elewa Prof. Ma, Lijuan
Position CoordinatorInternational Cooperation with Chinese Universities President
Email hazem.abdelnabi@fagr.bu.edu.eg Dwhzjlc@qq.com
Address Fareed Nada Street|Benha|Qalubia|Egypt Zhaotong 657000, Yunnan P.R. China
Website http://www.bu.edu.eg
Faculties Involved