News Details
Grants to short period travel to Germany for doctoral students in the field of metallurgy and materials engineering

Regarding Erasmus+ mobility project between Benha University and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg this is to announce the mobility call for MSc and PhD students (only demonstrators and assistant teachers in Benha University) in the field of material science for two students per year as follows (all 7 students in three years).
The applicant should fulfil the following criteria:
- The student who already registered a research point, point must be relevant to the scholarship's topic of study.
- The PhD candidate should have a strong publication record, including publications in reputable academic journals at least one publication with an impact factor, and indexed either in Scopus or Web of science.
Important dates:
The deadline for submitting the applications is 31 March 2024
The selection will end by the end of April, after this the selected students will be informed immediately to be able to start the visa process.
Applying and selection will be at the office of the university president for student affairs and education.
The selected student should:
- Prepare a CV.
- Prepare a motivation letter with an outline of their proposed study and its significance.
- List of required equipment and tools.
- using the following link: Erasmus+ mobility project Application form