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The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications INTELLI 2016

Organized By InfoWare 2016
Country USA
MOU title


Fileds To attend The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications INTELLI 2016. Fundamentals in intelligent systems and applications Intelligence by design Intelligent distributed systems Context-aware intelligent systems Symbolic intelligence Collective intelligence Ambient Intelligence Cooperative intelligent applications Formal ontology and semantics Persuasive intelligence Bio-inspired intelligence Cognitive systems and applications Real-time intelligence Hybrid artificial intelligent systems Heuristic search Automated planning Adaptive problem solving Intelligent signal processing Intelligent data analysis Web intelligence Intelligent web search engines Intelligent perception and intelligent machines Intelligent agents Patterns in intelligent applications Stability in intelligent systems Ethical evaluation of intelligent systems Intelligent communication networks Cognitive intelligence in vehicular networks Guidance systems Intelligent health systems Indoor special-awareness Intelligent systems for software computing Sensor-based intelligent systems Intelligent systems for wireless applications Intelligent transport systems Intelligent applications for disaster management Intelligence in medical decision applications Intelligent forecasting applications Intelligent human-computer interaction systems Intelligent multimedia Intelligent recommenders Intelligent security systems and applications Intelligent robotics Intelligent sensors and sensing applications Mobility intelligence and semantic applications.
From 13-11-2016
To 17-11-2016
Documents CfPINTELLI16.pdf



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