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The 6th International Chemistry Conference (ICC)

Organized By The Chemistry Department at King Saudi University and the Saudi Chemical Society.
Country Saudi Arabia
MOU title


Fileds The conference has been held every two years since 1998. The last conference (5th ICC) was held in Abha City in April 2014 under the theme ‘Chemistry for Durable Globe and Society Welfare‘ It was attended by more than 500 scientists from several countries including a number of European countries, Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, Arabian countries as well as researchers and post-graduate students from Saudi universities. Topics :- 1- Industrial and Applied Chemistry 2- Green and Environmental Chemistry 3- Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry 4- Renewable Energy and Fuels 5- Nanotechnology and Materials Science 6- Catalysis and Polymer Science
From 08-11-2016
To 10-11-2016
Attendees Professors at Chemistry Dep. Faculty of Science BU 1-Prof. Wagdi Ebrahim 2- Prof. Mohamed Morsi
Documents Scientific_Program.pdf

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